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NADA's mission is to serve an represent franchised new-car and -truck dealers, their management and employees.
National Automobile Dealers Association NADA Show Workshops
NADA: Represents all franchised new-car dealers — domestic and import — before Congress
National Automobile Dealers Association NADA Show Workshops
NADA: Represents all franchised new-car dealers — domestic and import — before Congress
National Automobile Dealers Association NADA Show Workshops
NADA: Represents all franchised new-car dealers — domestic and import — before Congress
National Automobile Dealers Association NADA Show Workshops
NADA: Represents all franchised new-car dealers — domestic and import — before Congress
NADA Education
NADA offers premier education opportunities, ranging from in-person training and consultation to webinars and other online learning opportunities.
The NADA Story
NADA's history: The association was born in 1917 when a group of dealers set out to change the way Congress viewed automobiles. Thirty dealers from state and local associations went to Washington to...
NADA Featured Videos
NADA-TV produces official videos on the NADA/ATD Convention, legislative and regulatory efforts in Washington, industry relations with the auto manufacturers, education, training and more.
Jobs at NADA
For more than nine decades, The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) has played an important role in helping dealers grow and become more profitable.
NADA's Industry Analysis division produces NADA DATA, MarketBeat and other economic reports to provide insight into vehicle sales, dealership financial profiles and industry trends.

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