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NET UI Controls for Developers of Mobile, Desktop, Web, Reporting...
DevExpress provides best-in-class UI controls, tools, and frameworks for WinForms, ASP.NET, MVC, Blazor
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or email sales@devexpress.com. See why DevExpress is Consistently Voted #1. Developers have consistently voted DevExpress best-in-class. Among countless other awards, we've received over 70...
Developer documentation for all DevExpress products.
DevExpress documentation only. All DevExpress web resources.
DevExtreme - JavaScript UI Components for Angular, React, Vue and...
JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development...
Demos: UI Controls and Frameworks DevExpress
DevExpress provides best-in-class UI controls for Blazor, WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, MVC, Bootstrap, ASP.NET Core, VCL, JavaScript, iOS and Android .NET developers.
DevExpress (@DevExpress) / Twitter
DevExpress engineers feature-complete Presentation Controls, Reporting Systems, IDE Productivity Tools and Business Application Frameworks for Visual Studio.
About Us: Our Mission and Contacts DevExpress
About DevExpress: our mission and contacts. Contact DevExpress client services, technical support, or enterprise sales departments. Find our phone numbers and street address.
Buy Visual Studio Products DevExpress
DXperience SubscriptionSave Hundreds – includes DevExpress UI Controls for WinForms, ASP.NET, MVC, WPF, our award-winning reporting platform and CodeRush for Visual Studio.
ASP.NET Web Forms Controls - AJAX UI DevExpress
110+ DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms UI Controls and Libraries, including Data Grid, Reporting, Scheduler, HTML Editor, Diagrams, and many more. C# and VB.
WinUI 3 Controls Free - Create Modern Windows Apps DevExpress
DevExpress WinUI3 controls with Project Reunion 0.8 support include: the Data Grid, Scheduler, Charts, Ribbon

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