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Confessions of a Wino
What can the home of cuckoo clocks, chocolate and jazz festivals teach us about wine? Quite a lot actually, as long as you are registered and currently attending the Digital Wine Communications...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » food
Assuming you are honest, you can get them legally for just $25. The Standard Grill 848 Washington St at 13th St, Meatpacking District 10014 New York T: +1 212 645 4100 W: thestandardgrill.com.
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » About
Confessions of a Wino is written by Alastair Bathgate, a totally amateur wine enthusiast whose waistline also reveals a love of decent food. Please participate. Leave a comment, or send me an email. You...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » england
Do you ever wonder why people insist that Sauvignon Blanc smells like “cat’s piss on a gooseberry bush”? Exactly how many people have smelt a gooseberry bush, never mind one that a cat has...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » Eastern Europe
There is definitely a place in my heart for wines that are a bit bonkers. A tale of the unexpected. Something with its own personality. I recently visited Vivat Bacchus in Farringdon with a colleague.Â...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » Miscellaneous
There are pills to cure anything, right? Even a hangover. Remember RU21 – the pill of choice for ‘Russian secret agents’ whose main role in life is to sleep with their victim (in the biblical sense), lull...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » Spirits
In deepest Evian-les-Bains I found one of the best wine shops ever. La Cave à Paul had such a wide range of Armagnacs going back to the year dot. But they had none from 1964 (year of my birth), so I...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » greece
Do you know what a Pot Lyonnais is? If you have been to the Beaujolais region you do. A pot (pronounced poe) Lyonnais (lee-on-ay) is a 46cl bundle of fun in the form of a wine carafe. Whilst...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » india
The fully loaded cost of employing a call centre agent in the UK is about £20 to £25k per annus horribilis. Off-shoring to India typically cuts the cost per head to £8 to £12k. Many argue that the...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
Confessions of a Wino » Middle East
The wines of Château Musar are often thought of as a tad barking mad. At #EWBC 2008 in La Rioja, delegates were presented with a blind tasting. Not one person out of 50 odd wine buffs got even...
> www.alastairbathgate.com
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