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GIS-Lab: Руководство по PostGIS: 4.2 Использование стандартов...
Таблица SPATIAL_REF_SYS содержит числовые ID и текстовые описания систем координат, используемых в пространственной базе данных.
Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs) - SQL Server Microsoft Docs
Each spatial instance has a spatial reference identifier (SRID). The SRID corresponds to a spatial reference system based on the specific ellipsoid used for
Spatial reference system - Wikipedia
A spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) is a framework used to precisely measure locations on the surface of the Earth as coordinates. It is thus the application of the abstract mathematics of coordinate systems and analytic geometry to geographic space.
Coordinate Systems (Spatial Reference Systems)
EPSG Model and Spatial and Graph The Oracle Spatial and Graph coordinate system support is based on, but is not always identical to, the European
Coordinate Systems (Spatial Reference Systems)
A coordinate system (also called a spatial reference system) is a means of assigning coordinates to a location and establishing relationships between sets of such coordinates. It enables the interpretation of a set of coordinates as a representation of a position in a real world space.
Spatial Reference List -- Spatial Reference
Spatial Reference List.
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 13.1.19 CREATE SPATIAL...
Coordinate Systems (Spatial Reference Systems)
A coordinate system (also called a spatial reference system) is a means of assigning coordinates to a location and establishing relationships between sets of such coordinates. It enables the interpretation of a set of coordinates as a representation of a position in a real world space.
NAIF Integer ID codes
SPICE system kernels and routines refer to ephemeris objects, reference frames, and instruments by integer codes, usually referred as the ID. The reference frame ID-name mappings routines constitute a subsystem separate from the body ID-name mapping routines. Please refer to the Frames Required...
Spatial Reference System (SRS) identifier the map is returned in. Identifiers correspond to coordinate system ID codes found in the ArcXML Programmer�s Reference Guide. BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy*.

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